we really try to think that things are over when we encounter a disappointment and failure towards something terribly which went wrong our way and we ended up failing, but in an actual sense “what done is done when we say it’s done, that is it’s easy the world recommends us to try another time but how long we tend to waste a lot of time in picking up ourselves again, so the keynote for this is if we figure out a way where our reaction time or the time we take to pick ourselves up as short as possible that’s when we could do something remarkable because majority amount of our time we are putting it into investing in our selves and trying hard for that piercing breakthrough in our lives which is the only thing which could satisfy our hunger and self-esteem, ego obviously. Now the question comes to our mind that is how to decrease this amount of reaction time?

ways to decrease this reaction time

1) Go have a shower (Cold or hot according to your preference, I prefer cold)

2) Mediate(even 10 complete deep breathes are also fine)

now this thing looks too cliched but, even taking as less as 10 deep breathes could activate our logical brains and we could start becoming rational from being emotional and vulnerable 

3) 5-second rule

countdown a 5 second in your head to launch yourself all again like a rocket like 5...4...3....2...1....c'mon let's fight it till the end our breathes fella!!

4) just try to admit and accept what all happened to you and start saying to yourself it’s ok fine, and suggest to yourself the way you would suggest your younger brother or son if the same thing had happened to him.

5) This is bit sadistic though but only use this when no other option is left for you,compare yourself with others who are not so better than you,just to make yourself feel better just by saying youself that the half of the crowd did’nt even dared to try for that breakthrough which i devoted my time and energy for months or years

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