Have you ever enjoyed doing something so much that you NEVER feel the amount of time you invest in it as hard work ? This is called passion. The “something” might be a sport, playing an instrument, learning a subject that you love or anything. Unfortunately many of us in India don’t have the luxury to follow our passion. Instead we are pressured to be a doctor, an engineer or some line of work that involves a lot of money.

Albert Einstein once said - “You can’t judge a fish by its ability to climb trees.” Unfortunately that’s exactly what is happening in our society. From a very young age, Children are forced to do things they don’t like. They are scolded for getting bad marks in math, but are they ever asked if they love math ? Maybe they could be an amazing singer if allowed or an amazing sports person. What would you think would happen if director rajamouli was forced to become a doctor when he was a kid. Would we make those amazing movies? People do amazing things when they do what they love. Albert Einstein wasn’t a scientist because his parents told him to be so. He did it because he loved Physics. That is why he spent years on the most difficult problems in Physics and produced the most beautiful Theories.

LOVE WHAT YOU DO. If you don’t love your job now then start loving it. It’s never too late! Tell your younger siblings to follow their passion. Ask them what they love and tell your parents what your siblings love and stand up for them. At least from now onwards there shouldn’t be a talented student wasting their energy on things they don’t like, because real talent comes out when he loves what he learns. You shouldn’t look back on your life and regret it. Instead you should look back on your life and cherish every moment of it because you know that you did what you enjoy most. It might be gaming, it might be photography, it might even be politics but it is something you love and that’s what makes it the most important job in the world. In the end what I want to say is:

Do what you love and cherish every moment of it!!!

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